Please note: this guide is for the Archer C6 hardware version 2 router.
*We recommend that you do the following with a cable plugged in from one of the LAN ports of the
router to your computer to prevent you from being disconnected after changing each wireless setting.
Open your web browser and navigate to or
- You will be greeted by the page below:
Enter the following and Log In:
Username: admin
Password: admin or coolideas1
The following page will appear once you have logged in (If it's the first time configuring the router, you'll be taken to the wizard, just click Exit.)

- Click on the Basic Tab is selected at the top of the screen
- Click on Wireless on the left of the screen.

- Under 2.4GHz Wireless Network:
- Change the Network Name (SSID) to what you would like the name of your Wifi to be (This is usually labelled as TP-Link_XXXX, as per the sticker on the bottom of your router).
- Change the Password.
- Under 5GHz Wireless Network:
- Change the Network Name (SSID) to what you would like the name of your Wifi to be (This is usually labelled as TP-Link_XXXX_5G, as per the sticker on the bottom of your router); be sure to add '_5G' to the end of your new wireless name to help identify the different networks.
- Change the Password.
- Click on the Save button.
- Once saved, you can now connect to your new wireless name (SSID) with your new wireless password on all devices!
If you have any trouble with the above, please don't hesitate to contact our support team on 010-593-2665 or