Frogfoot is currently experiencing the following outage:
Date: 2023-05-24 10:06:00
Area/s: Outage | JHB | Marlboro | OLT1 & 2 | Partial
Impact: Customers in the area will experience no/slow/intermittent connectivity.
Outage Update:
-- Logged to L1 Vendor
-- Additional impact detected an captured
-- Escalated to vendor management for an ETA
-- The vendor technicians arrived onsite and found badly kinked cables at the manhole
-- The vendor technicians located a fibre break and have commenced with splicing at 20% completion
-- Escalated to vendor executives for feedback
-- The vendor technicians are at 40% completion of the splicing. ETTR is 23:00pm
-- Pending feedback from the vendor technicians
-- The vendor technicians are still busy splicing
-- Feedback requested from the Vendor
-- The vendor technicians are at 60% to complete splicing
-- Update requested from the Vendor
-- Revised ETR: 00:30 am. Techs are still splicing
Outage Update:
-- Feedback requested from the Vendor
-- Technicians are still splicing.
-- Vendor advised ETR 04:00am. Further updates to follow.
-- Feedback requested from the Vendor
-- Technicians advised they are still splicing.
-- Feedback requested on progress.
-- Technicians working on the links remaining down.
-- Technicians still busy working on the links remaining down.
-- Technicians still busy working on the links remaining down.
-- Awaiting further feedback from the technicians
-- One link remaining more updates to follow
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