Frogfoot has scheduled the following planned maintenance:
Start Date & Time: 08-02-2024 @ 21:00
End Date & Time: 09-02-2024 @ 07:30
Duration: 10 hours 30 minutes
Affected Area: Houghton Estate, Marshalltown, Doornfontein,Crown City, Berea,Troyeville,Johannesburg
Impact: Customers will experience no connectivity during maintenance.
Update (13-02-2024 @ 13:45):
Vumatel confirmed that this outage was resolved on 09-02-2024 @ 06:18. Please restart your devices and contact our Support Team should you still experience connection issues.
#HoughtonEstate #Marshalltown #Doornfontein #CrownCity #Berea #Troyeville #Johannesburg #Frogfoot #Maintenance
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Houghton Estate, Marshalltown, Doornfontein, Crown City,Berea, Troyeville, Johannesburg - FRG5064385
Houghton Estate, Marshalltown, Doornfontein, Crown city, Troyeville - FRG3845383
Berkeley Close, Houghton Drive & Houghton.